What needs to be done

Many people in Guelph are concerned about the plans for the new compost plant – from the fact that the first one failed and was a total embarrassment, to the fact that the new one is to again be built on an aquifer, and that the city plans to have garbage trucked into the city from Kitchener, Cambridge and Waterloo. Has any thought been given to the amount of truck traffic that this would create? Also, most of the roads in Guelph are in such dreadful shape that they would be unable to withstand this extra wear and tear. Let’s bring Guelph into the 21st century – it is lagging far behind other countries in the area of garbage disposal.

The best solution would be for the four cities to pool their money, buy 50 acres of land (or whatever land is needed – there is plenty for sale) and build an incinerator. This is what is happening in Europe and other parts of the world – they run small villages on the energy created from incineration.

What is more important – a new library or roads that are in good repair and, therefore, safe to drive on? As I said above, (most of) the roads in Guelph are in dreadful condition – unsafe for vehicles as well as very unsafe for motorbikes – if one came upon one of the numerous potholes in the dark, the driver could be killed instantly – and the city would be liable – think what that would cost [the taxpayers – whose fault it is not that the roads are in dire need of repair but are not being repaired on a regular basis]. The library project should be cancelled and the money for that used to repair the roads – as soon as possible – the very worst ones before next Winter. We don’t need a new library more than we need safe roads.  JW