Wilson Farm Park Master Plan

My family resides in the Northern Heights neighbourhood and we have just read report 10-97 (Wilson Farm Park Master Plan) with interest. We understand that the Committee will be considering this item at a meeting on Monday. I thought I would e-mail you to comment on the high quality of the master plan and the thorough report prepared by City staff.

Like most of our neighbours, we fully support the recommendations in the report and hope that the Committee will approve them and also support staff in their efforts to move the second phase of funding forward from 2012 to 2011 to complete the park in one phase. The neighbourhood has been eagerly awaiting the development of the park and the redevelopment of the heritage farmhouse, and is concerned at the prospect that the funding will continue to be deferred for the park master plan. We understand that some funding originally allocated for the renovation of the heritage farmhouse may be available now that the house is being sold, and hope that the allocation of these funds to the park will be considered as a potential funding option.

We have been so pleased to see the construction of the new trail connection from Simmonds Drive down to the Royal Recreation Trail (it is incredibly well used!) and are looking forward to the next phase of the trail from the newly constructed trail connection eastward to the north end of the park. This trail segment was identified as a priority trail head in the trails master plan back in 2004 and was scheduled to be constructed by 2010.

We are appreciative of the opportunity to comment on the master plan and thank you in advance for your efforts to see this master plan made a reality as quickly as possible.CC