Wilson Farmhouse & Park

We would like to thank both Ian Findlay and Andy Van Hellemond for attending the community meeting on Sunday July 17th regarding the house and property. It was always our understanding that the entire block surrounded by Simmonds, Kinlock, Ingram and Webster would be a public park and was donated to the City of Guelph by Mr. Ingram for that purpose.

In our opinion the building is not a good example of heritage architecture and the house has continued to deteriorate in the last few years. We are a new and growing neighbourhood and a boarded up house does not fit well with the neighbourhood.

Leaving part of the walls or frame of the house as a shade structure or sitting area, along with a plaque with a brief history of the Wilson family and a thank you to Mr. Ingram for his generosity would be great.

We hope the councilors will review our comments and concerns and address them accordingly.   ND