Wilson/Ingram Farmhouse

Do not sell the property, we are against preserving the Wilson farmhouse. In past survey from parks we object to any use of home-cost of revamp and it will always be a hangout, not fair to any resident. We have been here 6 yrs. waiting to take our grandchildren to a local park to enjoy.

In the Mercury today (July 19) Page 3 “Bell expressed concern if money removed from reserve to do Castlebury – less available for other parks. D. McCaughan responded “there is sufficient funding (in the reserve) to do this without affecting other parks. Bell disapproved – there is only so much money in the pot.”

We were told the park area and the house were two different subjects. But when we ask when are we getting the park equipment, they can’t move until the house and land is decided.

This land was “given” to the area for park use if they do sell the house will there be a time limit for the sale?

Please support the change for the historic status designation. BW