18 story apartment buildings downtown

If we are going to be eventually getting these 18 story apartment buildings downtown why not barter with these developers? They could be asked to be putting in a couple additional underground floors for parking that would free up the East park-ade of the restricted permit parking during the day time. With the possibility of 222 residents being at the Macdonnel St. apartment and 30 percent have cars, where are the 30 workers there every day, shoppers or friends and relations visiting the residents going to park? I believe the plans are to have the Go trains increase to a lot more per day. The new transit terminal along with Grey Couch and go busses on Carden St. This is only going to be needing a lot more parking. I volunteer at the River Run and on February 26, there was a hockey game as well as a show at the River Run and seniors having to park well over a kilometer and walk back to the theatre. With next to no money in any near city budgets for building any new parking facilities, why not get these people to put in more parking that they can easily be able to rent any of their surplus. Gee, if they were to help the city maybe the approval would be faster. Just a thought, DG