3 stories about #Guelph garbage

Three perspectives on Guelph garbage collection.

i would just like to comment on this bin project at first i was against it now that i have tried it out for i think around 4-6 months my street was one of the last ones to receive the bins, i think it’s worked out very well it is much easier to put garbage in the bins instead of the bags except green bins i still use the bags i just bring myself not to use the green bags don’t have the stomach. so i would just like to say i think it’s a great project. The only complaints i hear from people is the elderly having trouble getting the bins to curbs i have to help my neighbour to do this he has a very bad back but that’s what neighbours are for right and the other complaint is winter time the banks are so high this year people put the bins in the street and with the plows not pushing back the snow very far the streets are very thin and with the bins it’s even narrower and you find yourself zig zaging down the street. once you put the bins out on the street and there is cars parked on the street also you don’t have much room to drive I’m sure the garbage workers can vouch for that it would be nice to see that get cleared up maybe no parking on streets during garbage pickup?
the last complaint is no where to put the bins I’m lucky enough i have a great spot but others don’t and you got to admit when you drive down a street and see one of those houses that don’t have a good spot it looks pretty tacky. anyways good job on the bin project
thanks from a long time Guelphite FM


I am hoping that you guys can change your mind about the blue box collection every two weeks.
All my friends that I have talked to, and I, are finding it very difficult to have it collected every two weeks and that are bins are always overflowing. We even have the extra large bin.
It would be nice if it was collected every week, like it used to be.JR


I, like everyone else in the city, have been battling the weather this winter. The snow and cold have been monumental and taxing to everyone’s energy and patience, but as Canadians we will all pull through.

This winter weather has once again highlighted the operational short-falls of the city’s ill-conceived garbage program. Since the city’s non-residential focused garbage program was first implemented, I have had the following recurring issues:
1. Garbage bins flying down the road in windy weather
2. Garbage bins not completely emptied
3. Garbage bins knocked over by the snow-plow

The city’s garbage program is representative of a council with the wrong mandate… it’s not about garbage bins, it’s not about bike lanes, it’s not about new digs for city officials… it’s about service. I happily pay my property taxes each year, I don’t understand increases in the midst of a 1% inflation rate, but I accept them.

I ask city officials to ponder the benefits of a garbage recycling and reduction program that does not accept waste, but instead dumps garbage onto the lawns and boulevard of city residents. How is this helping the city? I ask city officials to ponder the benefits of a garbage recycling and reduction program:
1. That won’t pick up waste and forces residents to illegally dump garbage.
o All benefits are immediately lost when the rivers and ponds become polluted.
2. That is so confusing that it obfuscates.
o If you don’t know how to use the program, you won’t.
3. That forces residents to wash-out garbage bins and then pour the effluent down city sewers.
o What is the impact on the waste-water treatment plant.
4. That uses fabricated heavy plastic bins that are difficult to handle
o Especially if you are elderly, and in the snow.

Where is the fiscal justification for the program? Where is the evidence to prove this system is more successful? What criteria are used to measure success? So far the only winners I see in the city’s garbage programs are:
• the suppliers of the new garbage trucks, big $’s spent there
• the suppliers of the garbage bins
• the waste-sorting centres, new equipment suppliers
• contract service providers, all of this equipment requires ongoing maintenance
• Was any of the equipment purchased locally or made locally?
• What # of jobs were created locally?

The losers list is longer though:
• the residents of Guelph
o less service for more $
• the wildlife of Guelph
• the tourists to Guelph (if any)
• the environment
• the sustainability of the city

Where does the city go from here? Are we prepared to spend money wisely? Not on more bike lanes or libraries, but instead on services that people need. Change budgets to services and not bricks & mortar. What does it matter if the police station is state-of-the-art if we cant afford to staff it? I would rather have the police work from a portable building (like too many children have at school) and have more police officers in the community.

Is this the picture the city wants to use to promote success? MS
