A local non-profit group

Knowing of you as a person concerned about Guelph I wondered if you had heard of the DIYode Makers Club? Here is a descript of what we do and hope to do.  DR

Make • Share • Play
Diyode aims to be a community workshop for the city of Guelph. A place where the tools, the know-how, and the social support are available to anyone looking to make something amazing.
There is an fantastic sense of accomplishment to be had from building something unique, elegant and purposeful. Guelph needs a place that can re-ignite the can-do-it-youself attitude in people that have lost touch with it, and can foster it in the next generation. We hope to inspire potential ‘makers’ in the city with public displays of inspired engineering, and run family-friendly workshops where adults and kids alike can discover the joy of building something with their hands.

Read more.