Anti abortion ads on Guelph buses

A resident comments on bus advertising.

On Friday afternoon March 22 at Eramosa-Metcalfe I was shocked to see a city bus with a prominent anti-abortion notice on the back that said: This is a child not a choice. These ads against abortion should not be in-our-face – should not be anywhere. They have no proper place in this modern informed society, especially in a university city, full of young people. Other medical emergencies are considered personal and private, abortion must be too.
Is there anything more sad than an unwanted, neglected child, and an unhappy unwilling mother!
I am not young, but I morally and strongly defend the right of every woman and girl to early abortion on demand. Why is it still the business of small-minded self-rightous people? The world doesn’t need more babies. We are now over six billion – all requiring food and housing! See urban sprawl over prime farmland in our own local area!
In Canada abortion is not limited by criminal law but by the Canada Health Act. In 1988 the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that the existing laws were unconstitutional and the 1969 law was struck down. A March 2010 EKOS poll showed that 52% of Canadians were pro-choice, and 27% were pro-life. (Information from Wikipedia.)
As a regular bus user, I’ve resolved to not ride Guelph buses as long as this ad runs. Bus boycotts happened in Alabama in the 60s for good cause HH