Category: Going Downtown

New downtown plan

I’m a little disturbed by the new downtown plan you’ve posted on the Guelph city website. Mostly disturbed by plans to repeat some of the grievous mistakes that have ruined neighbourhoods and areas in previous plans. My foremost concern is the former Woods site. The plans for huge towers will ruin one of our best […]

Downtown Brantford

For those of you involved in preserving, rebuilding or rethinking your downtowns, you may be interested in being updated on what is happening in downtown Brantford. For decades the downtown core has been debated and studied. Varying developments have been proposed, some realized, yet the core has, probably forever, lost the designation as the city’s […]

Downtown Guelph vitality

I would like to voice my concern that the two hour free parking, recently instituted on downtown streets, may end due to the current budget short falls. The “two hour free parking” has been a positive boost for downtown; customers love it and as a store owner and stake holder in downtown Guelph for 28 […]

2010 Budget Presentation

As I’m unable to present to Council, I’m sending this email instead. You have difficult choices to make with the budget – I hope this letter might be of some help. As we know, the City Budget is going to be short millions this year. Just to maintain the same services, taxes will need to […]