Category: Going Downtown

Open-air urinals

I believe there are far better solutions to this problems. One example -there are self-cleaning toilets that pop up from under the ground atnight and go back under during the day. More expensive, but less offensive than open-air urinals. And both men and women can use them.

Public Urinals for Men

I am surprised, to say the least, that public urinals for men are being considered for downtown Guelph. Why on earth are we pandering to the drunks. The estimated cost is $700.00 to $1,200.00 a week for this trial. Do we not have other needs which are more urgent. Secondly if it is decided to […]

Portable "pissoire" in Downtown Guelph!

The Nightlife Task Force has been dealing with many concerns related to the vibrant entertainment scene in Downtown Guelph. One particularly troubling issue is public fouling of our downtown streets and alleyways. A recommendation for public washrooms in all new public buildings in the Downtown has been made by the Task Force. These accessible washrooms […]