Category: Going Downtown

2 hour free parking

I would like to draw your attention to an article that was co-authored by  Donald Shoup who is a UCLA professor in urban economics and considered the leading expert on the topic of parking in depressed urban areas. The article explores how one community actually pulled its community out of a slump by charging for […]

Baker Street tops list of options for library

The Guelph Public Library has accepted a recommendation from its Library Site Selection Committee. The Baker Street parking lot in downtown Guelph was favored over 13 other sites that Committee considered since its formation in 2005, many of which proved to be unworkable for a variety of reasons. Two other strong possibilities- the expansion of […]

Time to rethink Douglas St.

It was with great sorrow that I watched firefighters hose down the smoldering embers of Douglas Street’s historic buildings during the Easter weekend. I’m sure it was a very sad day for those that make these buildings their homes and places of work. Thankfully, it appears that the stone facades of all of the buildings […]

Cycling in Guelph

In Today’s (June 6th) edition of the Guelph Mercury, there is an article on cycling in Guelph and some concerns and ideas raised.In my opinion, Guelph has been a leader in proving Cyclists a coordinated, safe, and accessible bike network to ride in for many years. This is something that many of my friends from […]