Category: Growth

Downtown Secondary Plan

You will recall that I have written to Council before concerning developments in the downtown area, and I therefore hope you will forgive a further intrusion on your time. I wish to reiterate that I am not opposed to densification, and welcome the concept of revitalizing our downtown core by having more downtown residents. My […]

Downtown Building Heights

I am deeply concerned by the proposed building heights in our historic, much heralded downtown. Would we still be the fourth best place to live if our downtown was over-run with high-rises. I didn’t see any pictures of the existing ones in the latest public recognition we have recieved. With Guelph’s recent recognition as the […]

Plan sets vision for revitalizing Guelph's downtown

Council will consider a staff report on the Downtown Secondary Plan, which contains a comprehensive vision to revitalize downtown Guelph over the next 20 years. The plan addresses the province’s requirements for managing urban growth, and calls for significant residential development to complement more commercial and employment uses in the City’s core. “The Downtown Secondary […]

148-152 Macdonell Street – Peer Review Architect Report

At the Public Meeting held at the March 5th, 2012 Council Meeting regarding the proposed development of a mixed-use building at 148-152 Macdonell Street, you requested that a copy of the Peer Review Architect report be forwarded to you for your information. Accordingly, please find attached the Final Report from the Peer Review Architect. Staff […]

The highrise and TIG

This correspondence was intended to be presented to Council in reference to the Tax Increment Grant proposal for 148-152 MacDonnell St. I’m DS and I am speaking this evening on behalf of the Guelph Civic League, as its president, regarding the request for a Tax Increment-Based Grant related to the proposed development at 148-152 Macdonell […]

148 MacDonnell

Can I express my outrage and general disapproval of the proposed 148-152 MacDonnell development proposal. Where is the City in terms of quality of life, quality of development and moving forward in best interest of its citizens? Most assuredly I agree with concerns being brought forward by mindful citizens around 1) non-conformity with existing planning […]