Category: Growth

Condo tower project

The Tribune article about Council’s public consultation on the proposed 18-storey downtown condo tower (“Majority favours condo tower”, March 8) reads like a hack job bought and paid for by the project’s proponents. The article magically transmogrifies the greater number of favourable voices at the meeting into “majority” support for the project. The burying of […]

Woolwich and Macdonnell

From reading last weeks Mercury it appears that the 14store appartment building on the corner of Woolwich and Macdonell is a done deal. I support the height restriction for downtown building and believe it’s important to create and maitain city by-laws which keep the historical integity of Guelph. It’s a good by- law and should […]

Update regarding 716 Gordon Development Application and OMB Appeal

In order to assist with a transparent information sharing process with respect to this matter, the following update has been prepared for your consideration. Update Information on 716 Gordon • Current status – The planning applications are currently being dealt with in the context of the applicant’s appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board. The application […]

INfill and 18 Story buildings

When the decision was made to go for infill as opposed to expanding the borders of the city I along with the majority was in favour of infill. But at that meeting I cautioned that there would have to be stronger planning controls on the older neighbourhoods so that they would not be destroyed by […]

Tonight's Important Meeting

First of all, thank you all for contributing of your time and energy to our Council. Second, I am unable to attend tonight’s meeting. Note: I just got a letter mailed out Feb. 29. It arrived in the mail delivered as of 1:15 pm today indicating that if I wished to make a delegation presentation […]

Guelph city council gives river’s edge development approvals

The following article appeared in the March 6 edition of the Guelph Mercury: Guelph city council gave a Podium Developments project adjacent to Marianne’s Park on Gordon Street two key approvals Monday night. But some fear the townhouse condominium plan could end up going to battle at the Ontario Municipal Board despite council’s decision. Many council […]

180 Gordon Street development proposal

The following serves as input to the proposed development at 180 Gordon Street by the Guelph Civic League (GCL). The GCL strongly supports two aspects of the development proposal: – it makes use of a vacant lot in a highly visible location, and – it helps to increase residential density in an area near the […]

180 Gordon Street

As you know, the proposal for 180 Gordon Street is coming to Council again on Monday evening. And, as you also know, I have been quite vocal speaking for myself and for my neighbours in opposition to the proposal as it stands. With all of the contention and controversy, I feel that one important commonality […]