City review to gauge progress and explore the future of waste management in Guelph

A review of the City’s 2008 Solid Waste Management Master Plan (SWMMP) is currently underway and will provide recommendations that build on Guelph’s leadership in waste minimization and diversion for a sustainable, service focused and economically viable future.

The SWMMP—a 25-year strategy approved by Council—set a path to achieve new waste minimization, diversion and disposal targets, and identified short- and long-term programs designed to achieve the targets.

Since implementing the SWMMP, the City’s residential diversion rate has increased 30 per cent to 68 per cent in 2012, exceeding the first two targets set by the SWMMP. The increased diversion rate is a result of a number of City initiatives including the opening of the Organic Waste Processing Facility; recycling of construction and demolition materials; new sorting equipment and processes for the recovery of glass, PET plastic and polycoat containers; and electronic waste recycling.

The review is being conducted by GENIVAR with the assistance of City staff and a Steering Committee made up of Guelph residents and representatives from the University of Guelph, the business community and the City’s Environmental Advisory Committee.

The Steering Committee will assess the progress of the SWMMP in the last five years and guide the strategic direction for the next 20 year planning period, identifying new and enhanced waste minimization and diversion initiatives and setting new targets.

Community engagement is an important and integral part of the review process and there will be several opportunities for residents to participate in the development of the new SWMMP. An online survey will launch later this summer and the first open house will be held in the fall, giving residents a chance to provide insight on Guelph’s current waste programs and to share their ideas for the new strategy. A second open house will take place in early 2014 for residents to learn about the waste system and diversion options identified during the review process.

Residents can visit
for more information on these activities and to learn more about the SWMMP Review.