Cleanup underway in aftermath of storm

In the aftermath of the recent ice storm, the City of Guelph has shifted from emergency response to recovery, and is focused primarily on removing large tree limbs hanging over sidewalks, roads, and other public spaces that are a public safety concern.

The City is actively cleaning up forest debris and is now focused largely on two areas that have the greatest number of downed trees and branches, and where the greatest risk to public safety exists: the centre of the city, which centres around the downtown branch of the Guelph Public Library, and the city’s west end.

Parks in which scheduled programs like volunteer-run ice rinks and public events are also a priority for clean-up crews.

The City reminds property owners that the municipality is responsible for removing City-owned hanging and downed trees, branches and debris. Property owners who require assistance with downed trees and branches on their private property are encouraged to contact their home insurance provider or a private arborist. Property owners who are able to remove debris from their property themselves are asked to bring it to the Waste Resource Innovation Centre at 110 Dunlop Drive for free disposal.

The City reminds residents to consider the following for safety:

• Ensure your 72 hour emergency kit is ready and well stocked. If you used it in the aftermath of the storm, replenish it as more winter weather is forecast and tree limbs affected by ice continue to fall which could cause further power outages.
• Please bring fallen branches and trees from private properties to the Waste Resource Innovation Centre at 110 Dunlop Drive for free disposal. View public drop off hours. Do not place them at the curb.
• Pedestrians should exercise caution if debris covering sidewalks requires you to move to roadways. Motorists are asked to travel with caution and keep an eye out for pedestrians who may have had to step onto roadways to avoid debris.
• Exercise caution when in parks and treed areas as trees continue to be impacted by ice and may fall or lose branches.
• Drive according to road conditions, pack an emergency car kit, regard caution tape as you would a road closure, and treat any non-functioning traffic signals like a four-way stop
• Please be careful when walking. Be a good neighbour, if you have salt available, help treat icy sidewalks in your neighbourhood