Do you have a question or comment for the Mayor?

From the Guelph Civic League.

At the Guelph Civic League, we believe in facilitating citizen access to political institutions.

There’s a few ways we’re trying to do that:
• We’re inviting all council candidates to share why they’re running on our website;
• We hope to hold a citizen-led mayoral debate where all questions come from the floor;
• Our site, the Town Hall at, is designed for folks to share opinions and have respectful conversations about the issues that affect us all, regardless of politics.
We also think it’s important for people to have access to their elected politicians. In this vein, on January 23rd, Mayor Farbridge will give a State of the City address and open forum question and answer session. The event is in Council Chambers at City Hall from 7-8pm.

This is an opportunity for all citizens of Guelph to engage with the institution of the mayor. Anyone may attend and pose a question or share a concern. We hope that you see this as an opportunity to have a voice as a citizen of Guelph.

With questions, please email [email protected] or visit the Town Hall at