Fourth Fridays

Hello Guelph Community,
Fourth Fridays and 10 Carden are working to establish a greater connection with the Guelph community! We are reaching out to individuals, organizations, businesses, and artists to build a stronger network among the downtown core.
There is always so much going on in our city that there is never a dull moment. However, it has been communicated to us on several ocassions that a lot of events overlap or lack the advertizing and therefore, the support to be successful. It is our hope that through a bit of communication, we can work together to keep Guelph more informed about all of the great initiatives going on.
We would ask that you respond back with either a “yes, I would like to be contacted/participate for future events”, or “no” I would not like to be apart of Fourth Fridays for downtown Guelph.
Everyone who has participated and/or has regular involvement in Fourth Fridays, we appreciate all of the contributions and effort that you put in to making Guelph such a happening place! We look forward to hearing what you’re up to next Fourth Friday.

What Is Fourth Fridays?

Fourth Fridays is a downtown event that is coordinated by 10 Carden, and hosted/supported by businesses and spaces within the downtown. Known as a community night to promote “random acts of kindness & creativity”, Fourth Fridays brings the streets to life one night of the month with doors-open at a number of art galleries, as well as numerous public events such as wine tasting, movie screenings, spoken word, yoga drop-in sessions, art shows, and musical performances. Fourth Fridays wishes to show off all of the great things going on around the city, and what Guelph has to offer.

The role of the Fourth Friday’s Coordinator is to organize and coordinate events as well as promote and publicize all of the happenings on Fourth Fridays.

Become apart of Fourth Fridays…
As a Restaurant/
Hospitality Provider

There are some great places to grab a bite in Guelph, many of which have a hosting schedule for local artists and musicians. We do free promoting and would love to know what is going on at your establishment.
Could you please:
Let us know if you are interested in participating in FF
Specify if you are/aren’t able to book/host band or artists upon request, 1 month in advance.
Contact Fourth Fridays halfway through each month, saying who/what/when/cost of the event on each fourth Friday of the month, so that we may publicize it for you.

As a Local Business:

Fourth Fridays would love to see all of the local shops having doors-open into the evening for the community. However, we realize that business hour alterations can be a bit tricky, so instead we would ask if you would be willing/interested in hosting local artist’s work in your store for anywhere from 1 week to 1 month. If you are open to either of these ideas, I would be very happy to hear back from you.

As an Artist/ Performer:

If you are interested in having your work on display in a venue downtown, putting on an art show in 10 Carden, or are a musician looking for a suitable venue to perform,
Fourth Fridays can help in facilitating a connection to whatever contact/ resource you may require. We organize your event as well as promote it through our numerous forms of social media.
Fourth Fridays is a strong supporter of the arts scene and is open to working on projects with artists in the community.
For Artists With A Studio/Space: One very important aspect that Fourth Fridays tries to promote is doors-open at all of the galleries, museums, and studios. If you are a proud owner/tenant of a downtown gallery, would you please indicate whether or not you are interested in participating in doors-open for FF, as well as notify us each month on what is on display that month so that we may handle all promotional details.

As an Organization:

All of the new projects that are sprouting up hold promise for the arts, community, well being, and social awareness. Fourth Fridays is more than willing to support these initiatives and help them successfully become reality.
Please contact us with any new projects or ideas that you are looking to start, as well as update us and include us on any projects that we have previously collaborated on.
Many of the organizations in Guelph share some very important values. It is advantageous that these values should strengthen our connection and allow us to work together to enable greater potential for our ideas.

As a Public Space:

If you are the owner or manager of a space that is open to the public, and are willing to offer your space to potential future FF events, please let us know as well as the type of space that would be provided.

As an Individual/Member of the Community:

Do you have a vision for downtown or just for a fun project, but are not affiliated with a group. If you have an an idea but lack the support to make it happen, Fourth Fridays is very keen to help members of the community bring about the change that they wish to see in their city.

If You Have an Idea For an Event:

We would love to hear it!

Thank you in advance for your contribution to making Fourth Fridays a success!   TM Fourth Fridays