It’s almost ten months into 2010 and the Guelph Civic League has finally released it’s voting record for 2009.
Just in time for the October 25 election.
In the previous term of Council, GCL members were obliged to attend all meetings of City Council with pen and paper to track every vote Councillors made.
Early in this term, Council approved an electronic voting system. All voting was recorded and downloaded to the City’s website.
A couple of clicks and presto, how your Councillor voted on a particular item. This is true transparency.
However, this enhanced level of accountability has not shown up on any survey by the GCL. I guess they like to sit in the gallery on Monday evenings.
I fully appreciate the difficult job the GCL has in determining whether sitting Councillors share values with that of their organization.
Does one vote on one specific report clearly demonstrate values?
Does the report to approve the removal of trees in Royal City Park, determined by experts to be a risk to residents, truly consider all implications?
Does the work to save healthy mature trees at the Guelph Youth Music Centre scheduled for removal to make way for a parking lot, have any value for consideration or balance?
Only 2 Councillors received an A in the report. One received a B while most were in the C’s.
I got a D for duh! Just like in high school. ian