GJR's response to pesticide issue

The following correspondence is from the chair of Guelph Junction Railway.

Subject: Citizens concerns about GJR and request to address the Board of Directors.

I wish to advise you that I am in receipt of your email regarding the above noted item. The Guelph Junction Railway (GJR) already has a number of items to discuss and give consideration to as it relates to our operation in your area. These items include the future level of maintenance to be provided along the Trans Canada Trail as well as an updated risk assessment of our current operations. Both these items are currently well in progress and it would expedite matters if your citizens could quickly summarize their concerns in writing, forwarding such directly to me so that I may have them included. This review will identify issues along with what corrective actions can be considered and the effect it may have. The Board will need to assure itself that any change in operations to address neighbourhood issued remains in compliance with regulatory requirements. This will be critical if the actions being considered deviate from accepted railway practices,

With the information in hand the Board will then be in a position not only to respond but to advise what actions can be taken. As you can see the Board has a number of steps to take in dealing with this matter and rather that starting with a meeting at which it cannot respond, I am recommending we proceed in this fashion.

In closing I wish to thank you for bringing this to my attention and written summary’s may be directed to my attention car of Mrs. Margaret Neubauer Secretary Treasurer at 1 Carden St., Guelph, On N1H 3A1. ([email protected])

Paul Smith
Chairman, Board of Directors
Guelph Junction Railway

I would ask that Vicki and myself be copied on all correspondences.
[email protected]
[email protected]                                thanks,   ian