Heritage Criteria Challenged

A resident’s comments.

For your consideration;

CRB 1103 Oct 29, 2012 states:
“While all agree it is not a landmark (i.e. has lost the 3 contextual criteria), the Review Board concurs with the city’s position that it is a benchmark for the community and reflective of the city’s once vibrant agricultural past (108 acres1/3 it has been significantly and substantially reduced to a “benchmark”).”

Please note: Benchmark, “a standard, point of reference” is NOT a criteria for designation. An historic plaque can be a benchmark.

Please tell us where “benchmark” and “reflective of” are stipulated to be criteria for designation?

The farmstead has been decimated from 108 acres to 1/3 acre. This in and of itself has negated the 3 contextual heritage criteria it once met.

Being on only 1/3 acre, it no longer yields information of the 19th century farming culture. Therefore another heritage criteria is voided.

To support this, I refer you to:

The Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment for the Hanlon Farmstead, 331 Clair Rd E, May 31, 2012, Section 2.ii, Historical Value

“The subject property does not yield or have the potential to yield information that contributes to an understanding of a community or culture (i.e. 19th century farming) because it is now comprised of a small portion 4.2 acre portion of a 100 acre farmstead…” (p. 15)

The Wilson Farmhouse now has only a 1/3 acre portion of a 108 acre farmstead.

Under the circumstances, Mr. Robinson, how does the Wilson Farmhouse yield information on 19th century farming?

This heritage criteria has been voided and the presented evidence in our report should have been acknowledged by the Heritage Officers as such.

You could not state that the Wilson Farmhouse yields information on 19th century farming culture in your summation, because it would be inaccurate. Instead you stated in CRB 1103, Oct 29, 2012:

“The structure remains in its same location imputes to a value as the original farmstead, plus its orientation to Victoria Rd. reveals its value in showing the development in farming over the centuries.” (p. 11) How does location yield information on farming culture?

Having shown that 2 of the 3 heritage criteria have been voided, is it fair that this Farmhouse is still being considered for designation? Why is rezoning, sale and severance still on the agenda?