Heritage Guelph Should be Reigned in!

Originally sent to the Mayor.

Why is it that you and the present city council jump through hoops, and run for cover every time a non elected special interest group such as Heritage Guelph raise a fuss, or throw a collective hissy fit? The Wilson farmhouse vs. parkland debacle is a prime example of this council totally ignoring the well researched recommendations of your city staff to solve a civic concern by pandering to those who protest their decision the loudest. Heritage Guelph has an important role to play in preserving our old buildings. No one argues that. But in this case (Wilson Farmhouse) that group has stepped way over the line. We’re not talking about tearing down the Church of Our Lady here, for heavens sake!! Heritage Guelph, it’s seems to many, is dictating to our elected representatives and staff in this case and others, and they need to be reigned in!! That, however, would take political courage to do so, and I’m afraid that attribute is in critically short supply at City Hall these days.   RA