How to be a delegate to Council: 101

So you want to speak to Guelph City Council about an issue that’s important to you. Relax, take a deep breath and have fun. It’s not that scary. We’re actually quite nice. We may ask you a few questions, so be prepared.

Whether it be a planning issue, economic issue or policy, City Council hears delegations on a variety of topics. Agendas for meetings are usually available the Thursday before the Monday meeting and can be found on the City’s website. Register with the City Clerk’s office before Friday at 4pm. Your name will appear on Monday’s agenda.

I have been on City Council for one year so my experience is rather limited and I am only speaking for myself on this matter. Here are ten helpful tips to make the most impact for your five minute presentation (ten minutes for planning applications):

1.  Please make sure that you have a reason for speaking to Council. Nothing is more ineffectual than a meandering, nonsensical presentation.

2.  Your speech should have three parts. Tell us what you are going to talk about. Talk about your issue. Remind us of what you said.

3.  Make sure the microphone is on. The mic works best if you are facing the Mayor. Turning around to address the gallery projects your voice in a different direction and will get lost to the home viewers.

4.  Address the Mayor as Madam Mayor or Your Worship. Councillors are referred to as Councillors.

5.  Smile and breath!

6.  Avoid the umms and ahhs. This can be hard but can be very distracting to your audience.

7.  Aids work well. A power point presentation or handouts are very helpful. Showing images or text helps to reinforce your speech. Not everyone absorbs information in the same manner. Some people receive information audibly, but many others are visual.

8.  Don’t forget that you will only get 5 minutes for your presentation. You will receive a warning at 4min. 30 sec. You must complete your speech by the 5 minute mark. You will not get an extension.

9.  You  may be asked questions by members of Council,  so wait until you are excused by the Mayor. The question and answer period can be the most important part of your presentation so be prepared.

10.  You may want to follow up with an email to Councillors and/or staff. This is most effectual with planning matters. Sometimes the amount of information is overwhelming and a friendly reminder helps you to get your issue noticed.                                  

More information available by clicking here.                                                    Ian