Lambden Family Proposed Redevelopment of St George's Park

We have lived across from St. George’s Park on Metcalfe Street for nineteen years. The park has been a significant part of our family life. We, along with many of our neighbours have serious concerns about the Lambden proposal.

We recognize, understand and respect Nicholas’ family’s desire to create a lasting memorial in his name. However, we feel that making major changes as a memorial is inappropriate, that the proposed changes have little to do with the broader community, and that fast-tracking the process is a mistake of long term implication.

Before any change is considered it would be politically expedient to survey the neighbours. Before that though, the neighbourhood needs information. Right now, you have a lot of very confused and upset, if not angry, people who are lacking clear, consistent and accurate information. We see negative implications for the neighbourhood if the construction proceeds as proposed: compromised public safety, vandalism, costly upkeep, increased traffic and intensity of park use.

Parks are not utilities. They are green places where people relax, play casually, and enjoy a slice of nature. St. George’s Park is highly valued for these reasons. To destroy that calm would be wrong.

Just as lamentable is replacing the baseball diamond with a very large gazebo. Many kids have grown up playing ball in the Park – healthy fun. Structures like the proposed gazebo are simply magnets for unhealthy activities.

If changes must be made, why not do something appropriate to the setting, subtle and dignified?

We remember the care the City took before ordering new playground equipment. Neighbours were surveyed about their needs. The play area reflects those needs. This was an excellent process. The Lambden proposal represents a much more significant change. It is not a situation for the City to mediate. It is a situation that requires a clear and transparent process and an objective, clear, considered Council decision based on the long term shared interests of the community.

Please make sure that the appropriate care is taken. Do not commit our lovely park to a radical change of character.

Incidentally, as long time residents, we are connected to many neighbours. We have spoken directly to several; none are in favour of the proposed memorial.                 PM