Library construction cost estimates

At Council last night (November 19), staff were asked about the $33/$40 million cost estimate for the library listed in Attachment 1 of Report 07-107, Guelph New Central Library Site Assessment.

For your information, the Monteith-Brown/Walter Fedy study from May 2007 lists the following; the actual library alone on the Baker Street site was estimated at $16.8 million, for the Co-operators/Car wash site it was $15.9 million. At 65,000 square feet that is $258 and $245 per square foot respectively.

The $33 million total for Baker Street and $40 million total for the Co-operators/Car wash site listed in the report included demolition, two floors of expansion, dedicated parking, green space, furniture and moving costs. The Co-operators estimate added two floors of residential.

However, this is all of no consequence now as the selected Baker Street site terms of reference will call for a composite mixed use development with shared parking so the library portion will likely be less than discussed last night.            Staff