Long grass in our parks

The following staff correspondence was received in response to a resident’s concern about current turf conditions in Dakota Park. The response is applicable to virtually all City of Guelph’s parks and greenspaces, as we collectively deal with a most unusual spring.  ian

With the inordinate amount of rain, staff have been working additional overtime to try to keep-up with the resultant flush of growth. We have windrows of turf clippings on most sports fields, and some fields can’t even be cut because of the standing water.

We’re making every effort to cut our parks according to Council’s approved (10) day standard. I’ve copied the Supervisor of Turf and Sport Fields, such that he can verify the status of Dakota Park through our cutting records, and ensure the park is cut in the near future.  Staff


Thank you all! Dakota Park grass just finished being cut as I write this to you.  JF