Maybe we should add 'refuse' to list of Rs

I wish to congratulate Vicki Beard for her suggestions to alleviate garbage by bringing the problem of overpackaging to the retail stores.
There is no other way the severity of this problem can be illustrated more graphically than by leaving the trash with the store. The store, and pretty soon the manufacturer, will get the message.
I believe the councillor is suggesting an addition to the three Rs. To reduce, reuse and recycle, we should be adding refuse. And perhaps the addition should go straight to the top of the list of the four options.
Rather than nitpicking about the perceived short-term faults with her suggestion, I suggest we take her ideas to the mall, to the grocery store and to anywhere else that this wasteful packaging presents itself.
Rather than trying to shut down this initiative, we need to get behind the idea for long-term results.
For the sake of our planet, we need to get our Rs into gear.       BH