Public Toilets in Downtown Guelph

A resident’s observations. Also attached, a comprehensive thesis draft studying Downtown Guelph’s access to public washrooms. I think this is the first time The Deuce has been referenced in a thesis.   ian

We’ve met in the past and I have never let go of the notion that of all the ‘civilized’ cities I’ve been to in my travels throughout the world all have public toilets. From the most remote outback towns in Australia to the small
hamlets in Northern Europe. I have been a crank about the lack of accessible toilets and for at least a decade and used this as a excuse to have landscape architecture students at the UoG address the problem in their design studios. I have plenty of fodder on designs from here and elsewhere if you are interested. Attached is an undergraduate thesis draft done last year by a student that I think was ‘nabbed for a ticket and rather than get angry, or just accept it, Jordan choose to study the topic. Winnipeg has just installed award winning toilets in a park using shipping containers and the list goes on and on.

Our costing over the years suggests that 25,000 buys a gender neutral, safe and visible, cleanable toilet and compared to 500-800 dollars for rental ‘port-potties’ a much more financially viable solution. Lastly, this issue is too often cast as a bar drunk issue. My 57 year old bladder has had to be
emptied on a beautiful Sunday morning in the past and the lack of options is pretty sad. In any event, good luck…NP
