Red Fridays Guelph

I have had creating and being named Chairman of Red Fridays Guelph Facebook Group, under the guidance of Red Fridays Canada Mike Blais and Keven Ellis from Red Fridays Hamilton, with a challenge to see how many people in our community will show their support for our Troops all over the world by simply wearing red on Fridays. This group was formed to raise awareness to the general public that our troops need our support. We are not asking that people support the military action they are engaged in, only the men and women of the Canadian Armed Forces that volunteer to protect our shores and defend those that cannot defend themselves.

The easiest way any individual can do this is by wearing RED on FRIDAYS. Two of the other Red Friday groups have the support of their City Council and have put out a general challenge to other City council’s to show their support by having a group photo taken on a Friday with everyone wearing red. Please see the message below.

It’s Wednesday already! Have you got your red out for Friday? Don’t forget the Red Fridays photo invitational. Last week the fine folks of Niagara Falls City Hall set the standard with a magnificent photo.

Think you and your Town can do better?

Consider this a photo challenge.

Can we the community members of the City of Guelph do better? I know we can! Will you accept the challenge from them and gather your staff for a photo?    JW