Safety vs the Soul

I would like you to compare the structure called the “South End Emergency Service Station” on Clair Road with the proposed Sikh Temple just down the street.
I have attached a few photos for you to view.

I had not driven down that part of Clair Road for some time. When I saw the South End Emergency Service Station, I first thought it might be a church with a high roof and square domes on top. When I checked out the sign in front only then did I learn its true function.

The South End Emergency Service Station is a massive structure. Architecturally it doesn’t fit in with the neighbourhood . It is right across from a residential neighbourhood and beside a high school. This station will be a source of noise most likely throughout the day and evening answering calls.

I know that there is opposition to the proposed Sikh Temple just down the road. However, I haven’t hear any complaints about the Emergency Service Station.

The community will shortly have a building dedicated to health and safety. Should it not then have a building dedicated to one’s soul? BS