Silvercreek application

I wish to express my dismay at the submission of a new planning application by Silvercreek Guelph Developments Inc. for the former Lafarge Lands.

My view is that disregarding the negotiated OMB minutes of settlement and all previous planning processes is profoundly disrespectful of both the immediate neighbourhood and the larger Guelph community.

I was an active participant in the community consultation process, or “Commercial Policy Review” which culminated in Official Plan Amendment #29. I attended the workshop conducted by Meridian Consulting in May of 2005. In addition I made oral and written submissions both to committees and Council as a whole.

For those Councillors who are new this term, I would like to point out some of the history of this site:

1) According to records of written input and oral delegations connected to the Commercial Policy review, commercial development of these lands was not supported by the general public or residents of adjoining neighbourhoods.

2) Inclusion of the Lafarge site in the Allocation of Commercial Space and OPA #29 was not recommended by the planning department.

3) Motions to include the Lafarge lands as a special study area were defeated both at the Committee and Council levels.

4) Despite the careful consideration of this proposal by both the community and City Council, Silvercreek Developments launched an OMB challenge claiming that Council had “refused or neglected” to rezone the property.

Enormous human and financial resources were spent by both the neighbourhood and the City to reach OMB minutes of settlement. These minutes of settlement specifically prohibited a grocery store on this site.

Our community does not owe the developer a return on the speculative investment in this site.

Moreover, it is the job of City Council to consider both Provincial Legislation, such as Places to Grow and the Provincial Policy statement, as well as the specific needs of our community in making a decision that reflects the interests of the City as a whole. SW