Snow Flurries expected – Friday 10 Feb

After sustained, unseasonable mild weather which has left the City with no snow cover, we are about to see a change.

Our detailed weather forecast states that snow flurries are expected to hit the City at 1 p.m. tomorrow and continue throughout the night. Total accumulation is between 2-5 cm. Air temperatures will be a high of 0C and a low of -11C.

In anticipation of this snowfall, I can tell you that the Winter Control team has conducted anti-icing procedures using salt brine which leaves a thin barrier on the pavement once evaporated. This thin barrier of dry salt acts to deter ice from forming as well as snow from accumulating too quickly. Other pro-active measures is that our vehicle fleet and material stockpiles (salt, brine, sand) have been prepared and/or replenished.

For those that have received calls as to why the City is putting salt brine down on the roads when the weather is so nice, the reason is that it is done when we anticipate “black ice” forming and/or a snow event is forthcoming. Over the last several days, the air temperature has been below freezing which, combined with an equal Dew Point, has set the conditions for “black ice.”

The bottom line is that your Public Works Department has prepared for, and is ready for, the snow that may arrive tomorrow and continue through rush hour and into the evening. All commuters are asked to drive their vehicles in a safe manner in accordance with the conditions.  Staff