Statement from Vicki Beard

I’d like to take the opportunity to clarify some important facts I misrepresented during my interview this morning on CBC’s The Current about the issue of licensing and body rub parlours in the City of Guelph.

First and foremost: the City of Guelph does not licence body rub parlours. There is no category for body rub parlours or other such establishments in the City of Guelph’s licensing bylaw.

In 2008 the City of Guelph revised its alternative health care bylaw, consulting widely with the holistic industry and police in the process. The aim was to protect the integrity of alternative health care practitioners, and discourage what was feared to be a proliferation of body rub parlours in the city and across the province.

The City of Guelph does licence holistic services, which include physical therapies; herbal and botanical therapies; and energy or life-force therapies.

In general, the overall purpose of business licensing is to protect the health, safety and well being of the citizens of Guelph.

I apologize if my comments have caused any harm to Guelph’s reputation. I also apologize if I have caused offense to those holistic businesses which complying with the terms of their business licence.


Vicki Beard
Councillor, Ward 2