Storm Event January 28, 2013

Just a short note to inform you of the activities undertaken today in addressing the winter conditions upon us. The arterial and collector roads are currently bare and wet and receiving final cleanup.

The system generating snow and ice has essentially passed depositing on average 8cm in total. Drizzle will continue into this evening and should end around 9:00pm. There will be a slight recurrence of freezing rain tomorrow morning which will change to straight rain by 11:00am with rising temperatures reaching 10 C by Tuesday evening. The rain and high temperatures will continue until Wednesday noon, thereby melting the snow that was received.

The storm did not deposit the threshold accumulation of 10cm required to initiate a full residential plow-out as set out in the council approved level of service delivery.

Sidewalk plowing operations continue, and all main routes have been completed. Plowing of residential sidewalks (8cm threshold) is underway and will be completed by end of day tomorrow.   Staff