Storm update 3

Staff memo.

At  our last meeting we learned that Water Services has had power restored to the Woods plant. Hydro One assisted with Arkell Springs but we had another setback due to a tree on wires. Robertson well is still down and Guelph Hydro is aware. Fuel is an issue for generators and a delivery has been arranged.

Public works continues to deal with roads and sidewalks and are having good success. A new shift started at 3 p.m. and there is currently a full complement of drivers. Tree crews are stopping for darkness and will be back at first light unless there is an emergency. There is a concern about the possibility of the wind coming up which would down more branches / trees. There are some signals out due to sporadic power outages. Fleet is receiving a fuel delivery tonight.

GWEMS has been busy with accidents and people who have been running out of oxygen. Generators are up at 4 stations. There are two stations without power in the County. Crews have been redeployed.

Fire has been busy assisting PW with clean up. Dispatch has been busy with contract dispatch issues in County. Fire has had over 60 storm related calls. On back-up generator at two stations. One station without a generator and crews still there.

Police have been busy. Had 87 storm related calls by 2:30 p.m. Mostly downed wires and branches.

Transit has no power at their garage. They have a generator which allows them to fuel their vehicles. Roads are OK. One minor accident involving a bus and a pick-up.

CSS has most of their facilities closed. They are still running the ‘Nutcracker’ at the River Run tonight. We are opening City Hall and West End Community Centre as warming centres for the night.

Wastewater had a power outage but it was no problem. Branches damaged their gate but were cleared by PW. One pump station had no power and a generator was brought on site.

Solid waste has provided information regarding disposal of trees / limbs. This has been sent out by Corporate Communications.

Guelph Hydro indicates that every available staff person is in and working. Main issues are the primary lines on the ground. They have 3 feeders locked out and are clearing them of debris and branches. They have 700 customers affected City wide. They anticipate having the bulk of them restored in a few hours – unless the wind comes up and more branches / trees come down.

Corporate communications is putting out updated messaging regarding the warming centres, avoiding sidewalks with overhanging tree canopy, etc. There have been many messages of thanks to the community for the good work our staff are doing.

Emergency Management took part in a conference call with Emergency Management Ontario. Many communities to the east are faring much worse than we are with large numbers of Hydro customers affected and restoration times of 48-72 hours. We required no assistance from the province. The Premier contacted the Mayor and also offered assistance.  Staff