traffic and parking changes downtown


Traffic and parking changes downtown
Wyndham Street line painting and traffic light activation April 23-25

Wyndham Street to re-open during the first week of May
We’re happy to announce that construction on Wyndham Street and the CN Railway bridge is almost complete. We thank you for your continued patience and understanding as we finish this important and complex project.

Wyndham Street line painting April 23-24
There will be minor traffic disruptions as the City completes line painting on Wyndham Street between Cork and Carden Streets.

New traffic signals April 25
Traffic lights at the intersection of Wyndham and Carden Streets will be activated on Wednesday, April 25.

Parking changes on Wyndham and Carden Streets
During the construction of Market Square and Guelph Central Station the City established about 15-20 temporary parking spaces on Wyndham Street between Macdonell and Carden Streets.

With traffic volumes returning to normal on Wyndham Street and buses moving into Guelph Central Station the City can safely accommodate six permanent parallel parking spaces in this area (view diagram here).

As of Tuesday May 1, on-street parking will no longer be permitted inside Guelph Central Station (Carden Street, east of Wyndham Street).

The City has restored about 20 permanent parking spaces in Market Square and maintained the total number of accessible parking spaces in the area.