Transit Performance Update

Very good news from Transit Staff

I would like to provide a brief update on system performance since the service model and routing changes were implemented in February 2013. A full staff report and presentation will be made at the July Committee meeting.

We retained Pyramid Traffic in late March/early April 2013 to conduct a study of connections at GCS using the same parameters as the October 2012 study. We are very pleased to report that all connections are regularly being made during peak times subject to operating anomalies such as vehicle breakdowns and traffic delays beyond our control. In off-peak periods, a small percentage of connections are still not being made (less than 5%) – this however, is a significant improvement in performance compared to late 2012. Staff are continuing to monitor performance and recently implemented a number of minor changes to address issues identified on specific routes. As I indicated above, further details on system performance and staff activities will be provided in the staff report in July.

Anecdotally, the number of customer complaints has also dropped significantly and in April comprised only 7% of total customer contacts which is well below our target of 10%.

Thanks again for all your support. Staff