Walmart expansion & grocery stores

I’ve been reading about the Walmart expansion proposal in the papers and that the issue will come before City Council this Monday.

For the record, I would like you to know that I oppose the proposed Walmart expansion, especially at this time.
I consider myself a “north end resident”, as I live on Windsor Street about a block south of Woodlawn Road. Some folks who live around here apparently think we need another grocery store in the north end of the City. I am 5 minutes away from 3 grocery stores! How can anyone argue that we are under-serviced? Those residents that live to the west of Woolwich Street have 2 grocery stores on Silvercreek Parkway.

Can the City’s north end really support another grocery store or will some of the existing stores eventually close which would seriously impact folks who live to the south of those stores?

I think that residents in the east end of the City as well as those in the south end are more in need of services like grocery stores. The City should be encouraging commercial development where it is needed, like the east and south areas, and discouraging commercial development in areas where it is not needed like the north area. I hope it is not the residents who live north of the City in the township who are trying to influence development in the City. CC


I am writing to ask you on as a voter in Ward 2 that a grocery store would be greatly appreciated in the North area of Guelph. I read an article in the Guelph Tribune blaming WalMart on the noise etc and that the Cemetery was not peaceful and tranquil…we walk the Cemetery a lot and the road noise when you are on the Woodlawn Rd area is from the traffic – not Walmart . When you park up in the Walmart parking area it is quiet and the store is clean and handy for us. It is unfair to blame Walmart when it is the growth of the city traffic that is causing the noise – Would we greatly appreciate a grocery store in this area. Thank you. MB


I hear you are getting a lot of input from people wanting more grocery stores in the north end. I feel we are well supplied as is.

And I feel upset with Wal-Mart for promising they wouldn’t expand. And I’d much rather it wasn’t there. And I prefer infill closer into the city centre as described in Places to Grow.

But I hesitate to urge turning down the application to expand. Given the Commercial Policy, I wonder if expansion there is just a matter of time. And I’m concerned that an OMB and its expenses might really inflame the anti-6.5% lobby and enlarge their support. All for at best a delay of a few years… so possibly not a good use of funds.

Is some middle ground that avoids an OMB possible? – like approval with conditions that it include residential components and meet Places to Grow density targets and possibly some design and green space objectives?   ES