When's the next bus? 40 minutes!!

I am clearly irate about reducing bus services. Please explain how reducing the service benefits me? or perhaps it is just a way to pay for the ridiculous bus stop number service. By the way while researching the new implemented bus stop number, you really did not have to get advice from any American city…You could have called Ottawa or any other Canadian city for that matter who have successfully implemented this service where it was truly a need!. So Now, YOU would like me to walk 5 minutes to get to the bus stop on time which is usually about 10 minutes before the bus arrives…take a three and half minute bus ride to downtown and then…have to wait 30 minutes to go for another 4 and half minute bus ride. Try this in the winter…you won’t even be on the bus long enough to warm up. Did anybody think about reducing the routes to ensure connections?I have read complaints about this rumour of reducing the bus service DURING PEAK HOURS which I could not believe??!!!!! complaints from many including a University Student who complained about having to pay a $120/year extra in tuition fees for a bus pass and they (University Students) just keep on getting better service….Try sending two or three children to high school at $55 a pop PER MONTH!It is not smart for me to continue using the bus service. It will be cheaper for me to get my license…drive my kids to school each day (SAVE THE AIR is no longer an option…I can’t afford to mentally, physically or financially).   KD


I am enquiring as to why the Guelph Transit schedules are changing from every half hour to every forty minutes. I believe this is complete insanity. How on earth will people know what time their bus is coming at? As a student, I often rely on busses to get me around the city, to get to school, etc. However, now that the scheduled bus times are not clear, I will likely stop using the transit system and depend on cars instead. And as you are a mayor who champions environmental causes, I believe that more time, and possibly money, should be put into making Guelph Transit a more attractive alternative to driving. The new schedule that comes into effect on September 2nd makes public transit repulsive, and will, I believe, encourage people to seek other forms of transportation, most of which will be environmentally unfriendly. It will also increase traffic volume in the city, making city roads much more congested.
In conclusion, I believe that the city should re evaluate the schedule change, as I believe that it will negatively impact Guelph.               RG


I felt it necessary to contact your office to register my disappointment and disbelief at the proposal by Guelph Transit to reduce bus frequency to 40 minutes during peak times. Just how many more hair-brained schemes do these folks plan to cook up in what seems to be an attempt to deter the maximum number of transit users possible? In the past year Guelph residents have witnessed additions and subtractions and reorganizations to routes numerous times, including the 15 minute rush hour service sporadically provided and suddenly retracted; the removal of bus stop times signs in favour of a cell-phone essential “hotline” which is really useful for those residents who perhaps use transit because their low incomes make ownership of luxuries such as cars, and, yes, cell phones beyond reach; a poorly advertised decision to run on a public holiday (at last! those poor folks can finally bus it down to the fireworks on July 1st!) that will no doubt be recinded in June 2008. It seems as though they just love to keep us guessing – and they imagine riders should be paying another 25 cents for the luxury of sitting in an overcrowded, antiquated, and non-airconditioned magical mystery tour such as the 22 Conestoga.        DP