Winter Control Update – More Snow Incoming – 5-6 Jan 2014

Staff memo.

According to Environment Canada and other weather data sources, more snow is expected in Guelph late Sunday evening and into Monday morning. The forecast predicts between 10-15 cm of snow accumulation. Temperatures will rise slightly to the -5C level after a few days of -18C (not including wind chill).

The purpose of this e-mail is to inform you that preparations have been made to ensure our roads, sidewalks and City facilities will be attended to in accordance with our approved standards during the weekend. Please note that the entire Public Works and Parks & Recreation staff have been stretched over the last 2 weeks dealing with the aftermath of the ice storm, continued precipitation and colder than average temperatures. To that end, we continue to ask for understanding that priority remains on the higher volume and speed routes in order to keep the City moving where it is needed most. Residential areas will get both a road and sidewalk plowout if the thresholds of 10 cm and 8 cm are met respectively.

Finally, the effect of the potential snow load on the already stressed urban forest is not fully known. However, there is a potential for more branches falling from the canopy and all should be mindful of that.

For general information about the City’s winter snow removal please see the City of Guelph website at .

Have a great winter weekend, look up for falling branches and drive safe!  Staff