Winter Control Update

Staff update

Public Worksr oad and Downtown maintenance crews have worked to make the roads and right of ways passable and safe. It has been extremely challenging as we have been fighting against extreme wind-chill conditions.

Currently, all main and secondary roads have been ploughed. Public Works staff have also been putting down sand on main and secondary roads throughout the day today. (Salt does not melt snow when temperatures are lower than -15 c. )

All residential streets have also been ploughed. The application of sand to known problem areas on residential streets will begin this afternoon and continue this evening.

We are commencing the removal of snow from the downtown area tonight. This task will be difficult, as all the snow is frozen solid. We will continue to remove accumulated snow again tomorrow night. Hopefully after the mild weather predicted over the weekend we will be able to do a final clean up (sidewalks etc) early next week.

Finally, the weather forecast predicts only light flurries ( 2-3 cm) for the next few days.

For general information about the City’s winter snow removal please see the City of Guelph website at Staff