Wolfond Park on Saturday

Wolfond Park Clean UpĀ this Saturday 9 am till Noon

*weeding, mulching, re-tagging, counting of tree plantings

*we will knock down the Japanese knotweed and make more space for the dogwoods that are beginning to thrive there.

*a request has been made for assistance weeding the flower garden at the south end. This garden is not currently part of the Speed River Project, but we could consider morphing it into a low maintenance, bio-diverse native species garden.

* the “vegetable garden” appears to have been abandoned. This area should be returned to its original designation of a “wild” area in the park.

* a tree planting is being planned for this fall – perhaps in coordination with our annual Party in the Park.

Please bring:
Pails, shovels, hats, gloves, sunscreen, wheelbarrows, snacks and drinks to share…

Please invite your neighbours.

Looking forward to seeing you there.SS