Your Media Coverage > Council okays $700,000 for ‘well-being plan’

This email is about the staff report entitled “Community Well Being Plan: Working Principles” (CSS-CESS-1130) which was discussed at Community & Social Services Committee on July 12th and approved by Council on July 25th.

While the article in today’s Guelph Tribune includes accurate information, the topic/tag line “Council okays $700,000 for “well being plan” “ is incorrect.

Rather, twice within the staff report, we advised that “Council has approved $100,000 to begin developing the Community Wellbeing Plan.” This amount was approved in March, 2011.

The staff report further states that “the anticipated cost of the Community Well Being plan is estimated at $500,000 over a three year period.”

With regard to the cost of this project, Council may recall that staff is committed to finding partners and funders to assist us with the total cost of this project. For example, Council was advised that our 2011 recent application for a SSHRC (Federal Government: Social Sciences & Humanities Research Grant) grant was not successful yet staff continue to work with the University of Guelph and multiple partners to pursue alternative sources to support this phased project.

The Guelph Tribune has been contacted and will be printing a correction. Staff