2 hr parking

Has anybody talked to you about the free meter parking?
I think it’s great. Mostly. Could the duration of the prohibition on each car be reduced to maybe 2 or 3 hours after the 2 free? This would surely still catch all the laggards, but allow a second visit, or different family member in the same day.
I think it would be a great compromise that would increase the fairness quotient of the bylaw significantly.       CA


The issue of re-parking was spoken to at the Downtown Guelph Business Assoc. (DGBA)  meeting this week with the solution mentioned below being recommended to meet the needs of those who make multiple trips downtown on a daily basis.

Staff will be working with the DGBA on the placement of the additional 15 minute short term parking areas throughout the downtown area as well as developing educational material to make the public aware of their parking options.        Staff