Air quality monitoring proposal by Transportation & Planning Dept

The air quality monitoring proposed by the Transportation and Planning Dept is an excellent idea. As one of the citizens who attended the Hanlon Improvement EA meetings on behalf of two organizations in Guelph, I support this proposal wholeheartedly.

Abundant research exists that relates diesel and vehicle emissions to health problems. Rates of lung disease, heart disease and cancers are all increased with increased emissions. Especially vulnerable are our seniors and children. Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment, Registered Nurses Association of Ontario and Ontario Health Coalition are all concerned about poor air quality and escalating rates of disease. The impact on their services is huge.

Future decisions can use the data from these monitoring records to get the best development that will carry the least health risk to our citizens.

The recent Environmental Commissioner of Ontario,Gord Miller, in his annual report, stressed that current air quality is not monitored well and our health suffers because of it. In Guelph, we have much land and road development ahead. Our choices will be better for all citizens if we incorporate stats from this type of before and after monitoring.

This investment by our city would be an excellent one. I hope that you will approve this proposal and allocate the budgeting for it so it will happen as soon as possible. NC