Author: IanFindley


To further encourage efficiencies and promote consolidation in Ontario’s electricity sector, Finance Minister Dwight Duncan today announced the government is extending the exemption of electricity transfer tax on publicly owned utilities when they sell electricity assets to other publicly owned utilities in Ontario. The province commends the efforts of local distribution companies who have diligently […]

Guelph Studio Art Tour

The Guelph Studio Art Tour will be holding its 23rd annual tour on Oct. Fri. Oct 17th 7-9pm, Sat. Oct 18th 10am-6pm, Sun. Oct. 19th 11am-5am This year 37 artists are showcasing original art in studio & exhibition spaces in & around Guelph’s historic downtown. Signs & tour maps are at all sites. Fill out […]


I was most unhappy to read the headlines in the Guelph Mercury today regarding a 12 million dollar problem we have. This following an increased value of assessment on my home which is not in touch with reality, proposed higher city taxes, the proposed huge amount of spending required for a new library and the […]

Guelph Hydro merger position

To say Monday was a disappointment is an understatement. I know the decision had less to do with scatter graphs (at least I hope it was) and more to do with an angry citizenry, but the decision still will have an immediate and negative impact on the people and businesses in Guelph. The financial cost […]