Bikes on Buses Part 2: It’s in the 2009 budget!

One of the very first posts to the Ward 2 blog was Bikes on Buses.

Installing bicycle racks on Guelph Transit buses would allow riders the opportunity to ride their bikes to a bus stop and take it with them on the next bus. With the newly approved 20 minute service, that soon may be a reality. 

One of the obstacles to providing this service was the previous 30 minute schedule. There was just no time to allow the the loading and unloading of bikes and still get the buses back Downtown on time.

Included in the 2009 draft budget for Council’s consideration, is an annual cleaning and maintenance cost of $12,000. The purchase price is $60,000 and is covered under a federal grant.

This is how it’s done in Portland Oregon.

Bike racks on buses was identified in Council’s list of priorities.