Category: Going Downtown

The highrise and TIG

This correspondence was intended to be presented to Council in reference to the Tax Increment Grant proposal for 148-152 MacDonnell St. I’m DS and I am speaking this evening on behalf of the Guelph Civic League, as its president, regarding the request for a Tax Increment-Based Grant related to the proposed development at 148-152 Macdonell […]

148 MacDonnell

Can I express my outrage and general disapproval of the proposed 148-152 MacDonnell development proposal. Where is the City in terms of quality of life, quality of development and moving forward in best interest of its citizens? Most assuredly I agree with concerns being brought forward by mindful citizens around 1) non-conformity with existing planning […]

St. Patrick's Day Wrap Up

Just wanted to provide an initial update on the St. Patrick’s Day Festivities. Our operational plan last approximately 20 hours (Sat 8am to Sun 4am). The morning started slowly thanks to the cooler temperatures and fog although picked up considerably as the day continued. Scottsdale, Ironwood, Kortright Rd W, Steffler, Whispering Ridge, Harts Lane, Reid […]

Downtown Guelph Business Association (DGBA) presents Dig-In Downtown: Twice as Nice, March 12 – 21, 2012

Dig-In Downtown, is returning early this year as a decidedly tasty event that’s twice as nice as in years past. March 12th until the 21st, the Downtown Guelph Business Association is offering a culinary adventure for the whole family in Week One, and then celebrating the return of prix-fixe menus in Week Two. Since autumn 2006, […]

Market Square

Congratuations on a great project ( Market Square) I walk by there often, and at night and got a little intimidated before with crackheads and drunks it was kinda desolate at night – now even late at night see young people skating, and families etc enjoying themselves. Great to see young people outside rather […]

Downtown Condos

Hello. I have just finished reading the letter to the editor and community in the Guelph Tribune, written by Ms. Gray. She expresses concern re the proposed building in downtown Guelph of several high rise condos, near the former Woods Plant, Co-operators, and Marsh Tire. As I type this note, I am able to gaze […]