Category: Going Downtown

18 storey buildings

This was originally sent to Mayor Farbridge. I wrote to you several months ago on this subject, and expressed my concerns about the proposed development. Please understand that I do not oppose residential densification in the downtown and surrounding areas. Neither will this development impact upon the view from my own house. My concern is […]

Donors take a bow at official opening of Market Square

At an opening ceremony today attended by donors, government officials, and residents, Market Square was hailed as a vibrant new community gathering space that is drawing people of all ages to downtown Guelph. The contributions of those who funded the rink and fountain in Market Square took centre stage at the ceremony. The $2.1 million […]

Accessible parking spaces added while major retrofit of West Parkade elevator underway

Elevator #1 in the City’s West Parkade requires a major retrofit to ensure its continued safe operation. This elevator has been in use for 26 years and is near the end of its working life. The City will contract a qualified company to retrofit the elevator and this work is expected to be complete by […]

Friday Noon Hour Concerts 2012 – Call for Artists

Downtown Guelph is seeking submissions from musicians and entertainers interested in performing for our 2012 Noon Hour Concert Series, staged every Friday from end-May to mid-September in St George’s Square. We welcome interest from groups and individuals from all genres of music, and are aiming for talent that is marketable to the global audience present […]

Demolition of two city-owned Wyndham Street buildings begins

The following article appeared in the January 24 edition of the Guelph Mercury: Ian Findlay was enjoying an unusual view from the front of his downtown video shop Tuesday afternoon. “I’m having the main street exposure without having to change addresses,” the city councillor joked when reached on his cellphone. “It’s certainly opening things up a bit […]

Homecoming Summit update

Just to provide you a brief update on one of the action items from the Student Orientation Summit, through collaboration with Community Engagement staff, neighbourhood meetings will be set up to review citizen concerns and to provide information on the various initiatives that Police, City and University staff are using to address unwanted behaviour. Initially, […]