Category: Growth

Cars, parking and the future

The City of Guelph spends an inordinate amount of time dealing with transportation issues. The future of highways, local traffic volumes, parking downtown, overnight on-street parking, parkades, public transit, bicycle master plans, winter control, capital construction costs. The list goes on. A friend bumped me this link with accompanying quote. While there may be some inherent biases […]

Regional Transportation Policy Recommendation

The Chamber comments on a recent Council decision. The Guelph Chamber will continue to support regional highway infrastructure improvement through the re-opening of the GTA West Study discussions. This supports staff recommendations in Guelph and in Waterloo Region, and Waterloo Regional Council, but not Guelph City Council. We will respect Council’s decision and how it […]

City seeks public input at Downtown Guelph placemaking workshop

The City of Guelph invites all interested community members to participate in a placemaking workshop on the program and function of Downtown Guelph’s streets and public spaces. The interactive workshop, which includes a walking tour, is scheduled for next Wednesday, March 6, from 6 to 9 p.m. at City Hall, 1 Carden St. To continue […]

Silvercreek application

I wish to express my dismay at the submission of a new planning application by Silvercreek Guelph Developments Inc. for the former Lafarge Lands. My view is that disregarding the negotiated OMB minutes of settlement and all previous planning processes is profoundly disrespectful of both the immediate neighbourhood and the larger Guelph community. I was […]

Twenty year plan needed to fix crumbling infrastructure

With the federal government wrapping up nearly six months of consultations on its long-term infrastructure plan, the City of Guelph is backing the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ (FCM) effort to develop a long-term infrastructure plan in partnership with the Federal Government with predictable funding to fix crumbling infrastructure in communities across Canada. That is the […]

Costco Warehouse

I was very pleased to read in the October 30 edition of the Tribune that city planning staff are recommending that you approve Costco’s development in the west end. I think it is very important for many reasons that you approve this development. Residents of Guelph will have more choice here and reduce the need […]

Guelph Innovation District Secondary Plan

I am unable to attend the October 15th PBEE meeting. Please review and distribute the attached letter and copy of the Innovative Wastewater Treatment and Residential Development in British Columbia that will provide valuable information on innovative wastewater treatment and sustainable housing suggested for the “Special Residential” land designation. KS 2012 10-13 GID Objection Letter […]