Category: Pesticides

Pesticide Resolution

I am concerned about the new Pesticide Bylaw that will be discussed by Council March 25. On the positive side, it looks like the new proposed bylaw will prohibit the use of herbicides for weeds; however there will still be thresholds for insects. I have a concern about including public lands in the insect thresholds. […]

Pesticide by-law thresholds

Please remove public lands from the by-law altogether. As can be seen by the removal of pesticides from parklands in Guelph several years ago, the parks have survived remarkably well with insecticides and children and the environment have benefited. Under the threshold aspect, please include climatic controls for the use of insectives on private lands […]

Comments re: By-law (2007)18308

If this by-law is to be effective at reducing the usage of pesticides for cosmetic purposes then the infestation threshold levels as suggested, and mainly relating to turf problems, must be raised. As a professional horticulturist, I find it unacceptable that many in my trade find it necessary to use such vast amounts of pesticides […]

Pesticide by-law

I am submitting the following comments about the infestation guidelines for the pesticide by-law which were published in the Guelph Tribune. As a former public health nurse, I am very concerned about the use of pesticides and their effects on human health and the environment. I strongly support the ban on the use of cosmetic […]

Feedback, infestaton thresholds

I would first like to comment on the deadline for feedback of March 7, 2008. Given the specialized and technical nature of the material presented, a 2 week response period is not long enough. Secondly, from the posting in the City News section of the Guelph Tribune, it was not clear what the discussion of […]

Pesticide By-law

The recommendations by the staff of the City of Guelph regarding the proposed pesticide by-law completely counter the initial intent – to protect the public from these dangerous substances. The threshold levels proposed that open the way for the resumption of spraying instead of the cessation of spraying seem to suggest that what is really […]

Pesticide use

I heartily support a total ban on all pesticide/herbicide use, both residential, and commercial and public, for any cosmetic reasons whatsoever, including so-called infestation of weeds. Perhaps the guidelines should be: if you can’t drink it, you can’t put it on the grass – that way we know with certainty that our children won’t be […]


This issue just doesn’t seem to enjoy the sort of objective and consistent treatment that it deserves. It seems to defy being evaluated on the merits. While some people may wish that it were otherwise, the evidence supports getting rid of chemicals … get them out of our lives as much as possible. Now we’re […]